Take a look at this video!
I assure you that you will find it interesting.
Now- from the video, you can see that we are literally ants or cosmic specks of dust comparatively. With this in mind, I ask: why is it that we are so oblivious to the simplicities of life? In this modern era, we tend to fall into a mundane 9 to 5 routine, driven by anxiety and complacentness, which generally benefits others more than it does ourselves. The majority of our country is too bus working paycheck to paycheck, stressing about mortgages and college loans. With all that on your plate, there isn't much time to take a breath.
I recommend that you analyze all the troubles in your life and really ask yourself; is this really as big of a deal as I am making it out to be? In fact, look back and think about every difficulty you have ever overcome...it always works out in the end! Sure, sometimes you learn the hard way, but it only makes you stronger. The first step to coping with any stress is to simply relax and take a deep breath. Nothing, and I repeat: nothing that you fear will defeat you. Only you can do that, and you will if you don't enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Ferris Bueller put it best... "Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."